
Nginx ngx_http_index_module模块基本指令整理


本文主要针对nginx的ngx_http_index_module 模块做简单介绍,本文具体包括如下指令:index

ngx_http_index_module模块处理以斜杠(“/”)开头的请求, 类似的请求也可以被ngx_http_autoindex_module和ngx_http_random_index_module模块所处理。


location / {

index index.$geo.html index.html;



The module ngx_http_index_module processes requests ending with the slash character (‘/’). Such requests can also be processed by ngx_http_autoindex_module and ngx_http_random_index_module modules.

Example Configuration

location / {

index index.$geo.html index.html;


1. index

syntax:index      file...;
default:index index.html;
context:http, server, location

定义被作为index页面(一般式默认页面,就是不输入任何页面地址时, 网站应该打开的页面)的文件。 这个文件名可能包括变量。 文件被按照次序(书写次序, 写在最后最后被检查)进行检查。在文件列表中最后一个内容可以是包括绝对路径的文件(其他的应该是相对路径的文件名称)


index index.$geo.html index.0.html /index.html;


location = / {

index index.html;


location / {



请求(“/”)实际上是将在第二位置的location中被处理。(显然例子中有两个location配置, 用户请求过来后nginx会进行匹配, 越精确的匹配越先进行, 首先匹配的是=/的location, 然后在这个里面进行了 配置, 需要获取index.html, 之后这个文件要到哪里去找, 只好到下面的location中去配置的文件中去找。)


Defines files that will be used as an index. The file name can contain variables. Files are checked in the specified order. The last element of the list can be a file with an absolute path. Example:

index index.$geo.html index.0.html /index.html;

It should be noted that when using an index file, an internal redirect is made, and request can be processed in a different location. For example, with the following configuration:

location = / {

index index.html;


location / {



a request of “/” will actually be processed in the second location as “/index.html”.



我这里整理的都是专门为PHP设计的IDE,editplus,Ultra Edit等常用文本工具我就不介绍了!其中一些介绍是从那些下载站里复制过来的!

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DzSoft PHP Editor和Ankord PHP Expert Editor非常相识,几乎找不到他们的主要区别,关于这两个软件之间的具体内幕我也不太清楚!



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先介绍到这里,以后再慢慢整理,虽然上面的软件都很强大,但我最习惯用的还是editplus。一则我水平不够,这些软件的很多功能用不上,二则英文太差,想用他们还需要熟悉一段时间,更多的PHP IDE可以参考这篇文章http://www.linuxdocs.org/HOWTOs/PHP-HOWTO-9.html

Nginx ngx_http_image_filter_module模块基本指令整理


本文主要针对nginx的ngx_http_image_filter_module 模块做简单介绍,本文具体包括如下指image_filter,image_filter_buffer,image_filter_jpeg_quality,image_filter_sharpen,image_filter_transparency

ngx_http_image_filter_module模块是一个用于在JPEG, GIF, 和PNG 图片格式之间进行转换的过滤模块(nginx的一个术语)。


这个模块使用libgd库, 推荐采用最新版本的库。


location /img/ {

proxy_pass   http://backend;

image_filter resize 150 100;

image_filter rotate 90;

error_page   415 = /empty;


location = /empty {




The ngx_http_image_filter_module module (0.7.54+) is a filter that transforms images in JPEG, GIF, and PNG formats.

This module is not built by default, it should be enabled with the --with-http_image_filter_module configuration parameter.

This module utilizes the libgd library. It is recommended to use the latest available version of the library; it is version 2.0.35 as of this writing.

Example Configuration

location /img/ {

proxy_pass   http://backend;

image_filter resize 150 100;

image_filter rotate 90;

error_page   415 = /empty;


location = /empty {



1. image_filter

syntax:image_filter  off;
image_filter  test;
image_filter  size;
image_filter  rotate 90 | 180 | 270;
image_filter  resize width height;
image_filter  crop width height;
default:image_filter off;


Off: 关闭一个访问类的图片变换处理功能(一般是一个nginx配置的location)

Test:确认在返回给用户的相应图片是JPEG, GIF, or PNG 格式的, 否则报415 错误(不支持的媒体文件类型)

Size: 采用json格式输出信息,例如:

{ "img" : { "width": 100, "height": 100, "type": "gif" } }



rotate 90|180|270

逆时针旋转图像到设定的度数,这个值可以包括变量(配置时是个变量, 到执行具体这个条指令是, 变量需要实例化成具体的值),指令可以单独使用,也可以同resize 和crop 变换结合使用

调整高度和宽度(resize width height)

保持比例(原意是按照比例, 但是根据推测,这里的图片缩小等一定会保持原始图片的显示比例, 然后根据设定的宽度或者高度进行相关的缩放, 否则一定带来图片的比例失真,用户体验会比较差)的缩减图像到指定的尺寸。通常为了缩减等, 可以仅仅使用一个维度的设置(例如仅仅指定,宽度或者高度), 被省略的维度可以用“-”符号替代,在这种情况下, 若是发生错误,则给用户反馈一个415的错误代码(不支持的媒体类型)。这个指令的值可以是一个变量。当使用时伴随一个rotate参数,则缩放完成后进行旋转操作。

裁剪图像到指定的宽高(crop width height)

按照比例将图片调整到合适大小(最后一个维度达到设定值后停止变换, 然后裁剪掉超出的部分。 同上面指令区别是,上面是第一维度达到设定值后,停止变换, 然后将其他地方用背景或者设定的留白填充(我自己推测的, 没去测试))。通常为了缩减等操作, 可以仅仅使用一个维度的设置(例如仅仅指定,宽度或者高度), 被省略的维度可以用“-”符号替代,在这种情况下, 若是发生错误,则给用户反馈一个415的错误代码(不支持的媒体类型)。这个指令的值可以是一个变量。当使用时伴随一个rotate参数,则缩放完成后进行旋转操作。


Sets the type of transformation to perform on images:


turns off module processing in a surrounding location.


ensures that responses are images in either JPEG, GIF, or PNG format. Otherwise, the error 415 (Unsupported Media Type) is returned.


outputs information about images in a JSON format, e.g.:

{ "img" : { "width": 100, "height": 100, "type": "gif" } }

In case of an error, the following is output:


rotate 90|180|270

rotates images counter-clockwise by the specified number of degrees. Value of the parameter can contain variables. Can be used either alone, or along with the resize and crop transformations.

resize width height

proportionally reduces an image to the specified sizes. To reduce by only one dimension, another dimension can be specified as “-”. In case of an error, the server will return code 415 (Unsupported Media Type). Values of parameters can contain variables. When used along with the rotate parameter, the rotation happens after reduction.

crop width height

proportionally reduces an image to the size of the largest side and crops extraneous edges by another side. To reduce by only one dimension, another dimension can be specified as “-”. In case of an error, the server will return code 415 (Unsupported Media Type). Values of parameters can contain variables. When used along with the rotate parameter, the rotation happens before reduction.

2. image_filter_buffer

syntax:image_filter_buffer    size;
default:image_filter_buffer   1M;
context:http, server, location



Sets the maximum size of the buffer used for reading images. When a size is exceeded the server will return error 415 (Unsupported Media Type).

3. image_filter_jpeg_quality

syntax:image_filter_jpeg_quality  quality;
default:image_filter_jpeg_quality 75;
context:http, server, location

设置转换jpeg图片的期望图片质量值(质量高,设置值大, 显示效果好, 但是图片尺寸大, 不利于传输)。可以接受的设置值是1到100之间。最大的可以推荐值是95.这个值可以包括一个变量


Sets the desired quality of the transformed JPEG images. Acceptable values are in the 1..100 range. Lesser values usually imply both lower image quality and less data to transfer. The maximum recommended value is 95. Value of the parameter can contain variables.

4. image_filter_sharpen

syntax:image_filter_sharpen   percent;
default:image_filter_sharpen 0;
context:http, server, location

增加图片的锐化程度(图像相邻显示像素之间的跳跃变换程度增加, 连续程度降低, 某种程度上可以减少图像模糊感觉, 增加一定的清晰度, 但是会增加图片的颗粒化程度),锐化比例程度可以超过100%, 但是0值是被禁止的。这个在可以包括变量


Increases sharpness of the final image. The sharpness percentage can exceed 100. The value of 0 disables sharpening. Value of the parameter can contain variables.

5. image_filter_transparency

syntax:image_filter_transparency   on|off;
default:image_filter_transparency on;
context:http, server

设定当进行png(具有特定调色板的png图片)或者gif图片处理时, 是否保留透明部分。透明度的损失可以允许获取更好的图像显示效果。Alpha通道的透明性质在png图片中是被保留的。


Defines whether transparency should be preserved when transforming PNG images with colors specified by a palette, or in GIF images. The loss of transparency allows to obtain images of a better quality. The alpha channel transparency in PNG is always preserved.

Nginx ngx_http_headers_module模块基本指令整理


本文主要针对nginx的ngx_http_headers_module 模块做简单介绍,本文具体包括如下指令:add_header, expires



expires    24h;

expires    modified +24h;

expires    @24h;

expires    0;

expires    -1;

expires    epoch;

add_header Cache-Control private;



The ngx_http_headers_module module allows to emit the “Expires” and “Cache-Control” header fields, and to add arbitrary fields to a response header.

Example Configuration

expires    24h;

expires    modified +24h;

expires    @24h;

expires    0;

expires    -1;

expires    epoch;

add_header Cache-Control private;


1. add_header

syntax:add_header  name  value;
context:http, server, location, if in location

向相应代码为200, 201, 204, 206, 301, 302, 303, 304, or 307的相应(response)中添加指定的相应头。头的值可以为一个变量。


Adds the specified field to a response header provided that the response code equals 200, 201, 204, 206, 301, 302, 303, 304, or 307. A value can contain variables.

2. expires

syntax:expires   [modified] time;
expires   epoch | max | off;
default:expires off;
context:http, server, location, if in location

向相应代码为200, 201, 204, 206, 301, 302, 303, 304, or 307的相应中开启或者关闭添加或者改变“Expires” 和“Cache-Control”头部域的功能(若是开启,这添加或者改变相应头部域)。 参数值(时间)可以为正也可以为负

“Expires” 的时间作为当前指令指定的时间与当前时间(系统时间)的和。如果modified 参数被指定, 时间计算做文件修改时间与指令的指定时间的和

此外,有可能使用“@”前缀指定一个时间每天,例如:expires @15h30m;

epoch 参数对于绝对时间“Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT”, (当指定这个参数后,相应域中 “Cache-Control”值依赖于指令中指定的特定时间)

时间参数是负数时, “Cache-Control: no-cache”.

时间常数是整数或者0时: “Cache-Control: max-age=t”, t是指令中指定的时间参数,单位是秒

“Expires”的最大值是 “Thu, 31 Dec 2037 23:55:55 GMT”, “Cache-Control”最大值是10年

Off参数禁止向相应头中添加或者改变相应头中“Expires” 和“Cache-Control”参数。


Enables or disables adding or modifying the “Expires” and “Cache-Control” response header fields provided that the response code equals 200, 201, 204, 206, 301, 302, 303, 304, or 307. A parameter can be a positive or negative time.

A time in the “Expires” field is computed as a sum of the current time and time specified in the directive. If the modified parameter is used (0.7.0, 0.6.32) then time is computed as a sum of the file’s modification time and time specified in the directive.

In addition, it is possible to specify a time of the day using the “@” prefix (0.7.9, 0.6.34):

expires @15h30m;

The epoch parameter corresponds to the absolute time “Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT”. The contents of the “Cache-Control” field depends on the sign of the specified time:

time is negative — “Cache-Control: no-cache”.

time is positive or zero — “Cache-Control: max-age=t”, where t is a time specified in the directive, in seconds.

The max parameter sets “Expires” to the value “Thu, 31 Dec 2037 23:55:55 GMT”, and “Cache-Control” to 10 years.

The off parameter disables adding or modifying the “Expires” and “Cache-Control” response header fields.

Nginx ngx_http_gzip_static_module模块基本指令整理




这个模块不是默认的内建模块, 需要采用--with-http_gzip_static_module配置指令进行配置来开启相关功能。


Example Configuration

gzip_static  on;

gzip_proxied expired no-cache no-store private auth;


The ngx_http_gzip_static_module module allows to send precompressed files with the “.gz” filename extension instead of regular files.

This module is not built by default, it should be enabled with the --with-http_gzip_static_module configuration parameter.

Example Configuration

gzip_static  on;

gzip_proxied expired no-cache no-store private auth;

1. gzip_static

syntax:gzip_static         on | off | always;
default:gzip_static off;
context:http, server, location

“on”和“off”打开或者关闭预编译文件存在的检查的功能, 下面的指令也将被参考:

gzip_http_version, gzip_proxied, gzip_disable和gzip_vary。




Enables (“on”) or disables (“off”) checking the existence of precompressed files. The following directives are also taken into account: gzip_http_version, gzip_proxied, gzip_disable, and gzip_vary.

With the “always” value (1.3.6), gzipped file is used in all cases, without checking if the client supports it. It is useful if there are no uncompressed files on the disk anyway or the ngx_http_gunzip_module is used.

The files can be compressed using the gzip command, or any other compatible. It is recommended that the modification date and time of original and compressed files be the same.