1 name := "Scala Slick Examples"
3 version := "1.0"
5 scalaVersion := "2.10.4"
7 libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.slick" %% "slick" % "2.0.2"
9 libraryDependencies += "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-nop" % "1.6.4"
11 libraryDependencies += "mysql" % "mysql-connector-java" % "5.1.18"
Slick使用SLF4J 作为日志库文件。
我们的MySQL数据库 Chinook 安装在本地服务器上面,我们在使用Slick可以手工创建数据库表Schema的定义,也可以使用自动代码生成工具从已有的数据库创建Table的Schema定义。
我们在命令行输入 sbt ,进入SBT控制台。
然后我们使用console,进入Scala控制台,注意此时SBT自动把build.sbt中引用到的库比如slick, mysql添加到Scala控制台,我们使用如下命令:
1 scala.slick.model.codegen.SourceCodeGenerator.main(
2 Array(slickDriver, jdbcDriver, url, outputFolder, pkg, user, password)
3 )
slickDriver Fully qualified name of Slick driver class, e.g. “scala.slick.driver.H2Driver”
jdbcDriver Fully qualified name of jdbc driver class, e.g. “org.h2.Driver”
url jdbc url, e.g. “jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test”
outputFolder Place where the package folder structure should be put
pkg Scala package the generated code should be places in
user database connection user name
password database connection password
1 scala.slick.model.codegen.SourceCodeGenerator.main(
2 Array("scala.slick.driver.MySQLDriver", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
3 "jdbc:mysql://",
4 "./src/main/scala",
5 "com.guidebee.slick.example", "user", "password")
6 )
1 package com.guidebee.slick.example
2 // AUTO-GENERATED Slick data model
3 /** Stand-alone Slick data model for immediate use */
4 object Tables extends {
5 val profile = scala.slick.driver.MySQLDriver
6 } with Tables
8 /** Slick data model trait for extension, choice of backend or usage in the cake pattern. (Make sure to initialize this late.) */
9 trait Tables {
10 val profile: scala.slick.driver.JdbcProfile
11 import profile.simple._
12 import scala.slick.model.ForeignKeyAction
13 // NOTE: GetResult mappers for plain SQL are only generated for tables where Slick knows how to map the types of all columns.
14 import scala.slick.jdbc.{GetResult => GR}
16 /** DDL for all tables. Call .create to execute. */
17 lazy val ddl = Album.ddl ++ Artist.ddl ++ Customer.ddl ++ Employee.ddl ++ Genre.ddl ++ Invoice.ddl ++ Invoiceline.ddl ++ Mediatype.ddl ++ Playlist.ddl ++ Playlisttrack.ddl ++ Track.ddl
19 /** Entity class storing rows of table Album
20 * @param albumid Database column AlbumId PrimaryKey
21 * @param title Database column Title
22 * @param artistid Database column ArtistId */
23 case class AlbumRow(albumid: Int, title: String, artistid: Int)
24 /** GetResult implicit for fetching AlbumRow objects using plain SQL queries */
25 implicit def GetResultAlbumRow(implicit e0: GR[Int], e1: GR[String]):GR[AlbumRow] = GR{
26 prs => import prs._
27 AlbumRow.tupled((<<[Int], <<[String], <<[Int]))
28 }
29 /** Table description of table Album. Objects of this class serve as prototypes for rows in queries. */
30 class Album(tag: Tag) extends Table[AlbumRow](tag, "Album") {
31 def * = (albumid, title, artistid) <> (AlbumRow.tupled, AlbumRow.unapply)
32 /** Maps whole row to an option. Useful for outer joins. */
33 def ? = (albumid.?, title.?, artistid.?).shaped.<>({r=>import r._;_1.map(_=> AlbumRow.tupled((_1.get, _2.get, _3.get)))}, (_:Any) => throw new Exception("Inserting into ? projection not supported."))
35 /** Database column AlbumId PrimaryKey */
36 val albumid: Column[Int] = column[Int]("AlbumId", O.PrimaryKey)
37 /** Database column Title */
38 val title: Column[String] = column[String]("Title")
39 /** Database column ArtistId */
40 val artistid: Column[Int] = column[Int]("ArtistId")
42 /** Foreign key referencing Artist (database name FK_AlbumArtistId) */
43 lazy val artistFk = foreignKey("FK_AlbumArtistId", artistid, Artist)(r => r.artistid, onUpdate=ForeignKeyAction.NoAction, onDelete=ForeignKeyAction.NoAction)
44 }
45 /** Collection-like TableQuery object for table Album */
46 lazy val Album = new TableQuery(tag => new Album(tag))
48 /** Entity class storing rows of table Artist
49 * @param artistid Database column ArtistId PrimaryKey
50 * @param name Database column Name */
51 case class ArtistRow(artistid: Int, name: Option[String])
52 /** GetResult implicit for fetching ArtistRow objects using plain SQL queries */
53 implicit def GetResultArtistRow(implicit e0: GR[Int], e1:GR[Option[String]]): GR[ArtistRow] = GR{
54 prs => import prs._
55 ArtistRow.tupled((<<[Int], <<?[String]))
56 }
57 /** Table description of table Artist. Objects of this class serve as prototypes for rows in queries. */
58 class Artist(tag: Tag) extends Table[ArtistRow](tag, "Artist") {
59 def * = (artistid, name) <> (ArtistRow.tupled, ArtistRow.unapply)
60 /** Maps whole row to an option. Useful for outer joins. */
61 def ? = (artistid.?, name).shaped.<>({r=>import r._; _1.map(_=> ArtistRow.tupled((_1.get, _2)))}, (_:Any) => throw newException("Inserting into ? projection not supported."))
63 /** Database column ArtistId PrimaryKey */
64 val artistid: Column[Int] = column[Int]("ArtistId", O.PrimaryKey)
65 /** Database column Name */
66 val name: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("Name")
67 }
68 /** Collection-like TableQuery object for table Artist */
69 lazy val Artist = new TableQuery(tag => new Artist(tag))
71 /** Entity class storing rows of table Customer
72 * @param customerid Database column CustomerId PrimaryKey
73 * @param firstname Database column FirstName
74 * @param lastname Database column LastName
75 * @param company Database column Company
76 * @param address Database column Address
77 * @param city Database column City
78 * @param state Database column State
79 * @param country Database column Country
80 * @param postalcode Database column PostalCode
81 * @param phone Database column Phone
82 * @param fax Database column Fax
83 * @param email Database column Email
84 * @param supportrepid Database column SupportRepId */
85 case class CustomerRow(customerid: Int, firstname: String, lastname:String, company: Option[String], address: Option[String], city:Option[String], state: Option[String], country: Option[String], postalcode: Option[String], phone: Option[String], fax: Option[String], email: String, supportrepid: Option[Int])
86 /** GetResult implicit for fetching CustomerRow objects using plain SQL queries */
87 implicit def GetResultCustomerRow(implicit e0: GR[Int], e1:GR[String], e2: GR[Option[String]], e3: GR[Option[Int]]):GR[CustomerRow] = GR{
88 prs => import prs._
89 CustomerRow.tupled((<<[Int], <<[String], <<[String], <<?[String], <<?[String], <<?[String], <<?[String], <<?[String], <<?[String], <<?[String], <<?[String], <<[String], <<?[Int]))
90 }
91 /** Table description of table Customer. Objects of this class serve as prototypes for rows in queries. */
92 class Customer(tag: Tag) extends Table[CustomerRow](tag, "Customer") {
93 def * = (customerid, firstname, lastname, company, address, city, state, country, postalcode, phone, fax, email, supportrepid) <> (CustomerRow.tupled, CustomerRow.unapply)
94 /** Maps whole row to an option. Useful for outer joins. */
95 def ? = (customerid.?, firstname.?, lastname.?, company, address, city, state, country, postalcode, phone, fax, email.?, supportrepid).shaped.<>({r=>import r._; _1.map(_=> CustomerRow.tupled((_1.get, _2.get, _3.get, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9,_10, _11, _12.get, _13)))}, (_:Any) => throw new Exception("Inserting into ? projection not supported."))
97 /** Database column CustomerId PrimaryKey */
98 val customerid: Column[Int] = column[Int]("CustomerId", O.PrimaryKey)
99 /** Database column FirstName */
100 val firstname: Column[String] = column[String]("FirstName")
101 /** Database column LastName */
102 val lastname: Column[String] = column[String]("LastName")
103 /** Database column Company */
104 val company: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("Company")
105 /** Database column Address */
106 val address: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("Address")
107 /** Database column City */
108 val city: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("City")
109 /** Database column State */
110 val state: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("State")
111 /** Database column Country */
112 val country: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("Country")
113 /** Database column PostalCode */
114 val postalcode: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("PostalCode")
115 /** Database column Phone */
116 val phone: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("Phone")
117 /** Database column Fax */
118 val fax: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("Fax")
119 /** Database column Email */
120 val email: Column[String] = column[String]("Email")
121 /** Database column SupportRepId */
122 val supportrepid: Column[Option[Int]] = column[Option[Int]]("SupportRepId")
124 /** Foreign key referencing Employee (database name FK_CustomerSupportRepId) */
125 lazy val employeeFk = foreignKey("FK_CustomerSupportRepId", supportrepid, Employee)(r => r.employeeid, onUpdate=ForeignKeyAction.NoAction, onDelete=ForeignKeyAction.NoAction)
126 }
127 /** Collection-like TableQuery object for table Customer */
128 lazy val Customer = new TableQuery(tag => new Customer(tag))
130 /** Entity class storing rows of table Employee
131 * @param employeeid Database column EmployeeId PrimaryKey
132 * @param lastname Database column LastName
133 * @param firstname Database column FirstName
134 * @param title Database column Title
135 * @param reportsto Database column ReportsTo
136 * @param birthdate Database column BirthDate
137 * @param hiredate Database column HireDate
138 * @param address Database column Address
139 * @param city Database column City
140 * @param state Database column State
141 * @param country Database column Country
142 * @param postalcode Database column PostalCode
143 * @param phone Database column Phone
144 * @param fax Database column Fax
145 * @param email Database column Email */
146 case class EmployeeRow(employeeid: Int, lastname: String, firstname:String, title: Option[String], reportsto: Option[Int], birthdate:Option1, hiredate: Option1, address: Option[String], city:Option[String], state: Option[String], country: Option[String], postalcode: Option[String], phone: Option[String], fax: Option[String], email: Option[String])
147 /** GetResult implicit for fetching EmployeeRow objects using plain SQL queries */
148 implicit def GetResultEmployeeRow(implicit e0: GR[Int], e1:GR[String], e2: GR[Option[String]], e3: GR[Option[Int]], e4:GR[Option1]): GR[EmployeeRow] = GR{
149 prs => import prs._
150 EmployeeRow.tupled((<<[Int], <<[String], <<[String], <<?[String], <<?[Int], <<?1, <<?1, <<?[String], <<?[String], <<?[String], <<?[String], <<?[String], <<?[String], <<?[String], <<?[String]))
151 }
152 /** Table description of table Employee. Objects of this class serve as prototypes for rows in queries. */
153 class Employee(tag: Tag) extends Table[EmployeeRow](tag, "Employee") {
154 def * = (employeeid, lastname, firstname, title, reportsto, birthdate, hiredate, address, city, state, country, postalcode, phone, fax, email) <> (EmployeeRow.tupled, EmployeeRow.unapply)
155 /** Maps whole row to an option. Useful for outer joins. */
156 def ? = (employeeid.?, lastname.?, firstname.?, title, reportsto, birthdate, hiredate, address, city, state, country, postalcode, phone, fax, email).shaped.<>({r=>import r._; _1.map(_=> EmployeeRow.tupled((_1.get, _2.get, _3.get, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9,_10, _11, _12, _13, _14, _15)))}, (_:Any) => throw newException("Inserting into ? projection not supported."))
158 /** Database column EmployeeId PrimaryKey */
159 val employeeid: Column[Int] = column[Int]("EmployeeId", O.PrimaryKey)
160 /** Database column LastName */
161 val lastname: Column[String] = column[String]("LastName")
162 /** Database column FirstName */
163 val firstname: Column[String] = column[String]("FirstName")
164 /** Database column Title */
165 val title: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("Title")
166 /** Database column ReportsTo */
167 val reportsto: Column[Option[Int]] = column[Option[Int]]("ReportsTo")
168 /** Database column BirthDate */
169 val birthdate: Column[Option1] = column[Option1]("BirthDate")
170 /** Database column HireDate */
171 val hiredate: Column[Option1] = column[Option1]("HireDate")
172 /** Database column Address */
173 val address: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("Address")
174 /** Database column City */
175 val city: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("City")
176 /** Database column State */
177 val state: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("State")
178 /** Database column Country */
179 val country: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("Country")
180 /** Database column PostalCode */
181 val postalcode: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("PostalCode")
182 /** Database column Phone */
183 val phone: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("Phone")
184 /** Database column Fax */
185 val fax: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("Fax")
186 /** Database column Email */
187 val email: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("Email")
189 /** Foreign key referencing Employee (database name FK_EmployeeReportsTo) */
190 lazy val employeeFk = foreignKey("FK_EmployeeReportsTo", reportsto, Employee)(r => r.employeeid, onUpdate=ForeignKeyAction.NoAction, onDelete=ForeignKeyAction.NoAction)
191 }
192 /** Collection-like TableQuery object for table Employee */
193 lazy val Employee = new TableQuery(tag => new Employee(tag))
195 /** Entity class storing rows of table Genre
196 * @param genreid Database column GenreId PrimaryKey
197 * @param name Database column Name */
198 case class GenreRow(genreid: Int, name: Option[String])
199 /** GetResult implicit for fetching GenreRow objects using plain SQL queries */
200 implicit def GetResultGenreRow(implicit e0: GR[Int], e1:GR[Option[String]]): GR[GenreRow] = GR{
201 prs => import prs._
202 GenreRow.tupled((<<[Int], <<?[String]))
203 }
204 /** Table description of table Genre. Objects of this class serve as prototypes for rows in queries. */
205 class Genre(tag: Tag) extends Table[GenreRow](tag, "Genre") {
206 def * = (genreid, name) <> (GenreRow.tupled, GenreRow.unapply)
207 /** Maps whole row to an option. Useful for outer joins. */
208 def ? = (genreid.?, name).shaped.<>({r=>import r._; _1.map(_=> GenreRow.tupled((_1.get, _2)))}, (_:Any) => throw newException("Inserting into ? projection not supported."))
210 /** Database column GenreId PrimaryKey */
211 val genreid: Column[Int] = column[Int]("GenreId", O.PrimaryKey)
212 /** Database column Name */
213 val name: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("Name")
214 }
215 /** Collection-like TableQuery object for table Genre */
216 lazy val Genre = new TableQuery(tag => new Genre(tag))
218 /** Entity class storing rows of table Invoice
219 * @param invoiceid Database column InvoiceId PrimaryKey
220 * @param customerid Database column CustomerId
221 * @param invoicedate Database column InvoiceDate
222 * @param billingaddress Database column BillingAddress
223 * @param billingcity Database column BillingCity
224 * @param billingstate Database column BillingState
225 * @param billingcountry Database column BillingCountry
226 * @param billingpostalcode Database column BillingPostalCode
227 * @param total Database column Total */
228 case class InvoiceRow(invoiceid: Int, customerid: Int, invoicedate:java.sql.Timestamp, billingaddress: Option[String], billingcity:Option[String], billingstate: Option[String], billingcountry:Option[String], billingpostalcode: Option[String], total:scala.math.BigDecimal)
229 /** GetResult implicit for fetching InvoiceRow objects using plain SQL queries */
230 implicit def GetResultInvoiceRow(implicit e0: GR[Int], e1: GR1, e2:GR[Option[String]], e3: GR1): GR[InvoiceRow] = GR{
231 prs => import prs._
232 InvoiceRow.tupled((<<[Int], <<[Int], <<1, <<?[String], <<?[String], <<?[String], <<?[String], <<?[String], <<1))
233 }
234 /** Table description of table Invoice. Objects of this class serve as prototypes for rows in queries. */
235 class Invoice(tag: Tag) extends Table[InvoiceRow](tag, "Invoice") {
236 def * = (invoiceid, customerid, invoicedate, billingaddress, billingcity, billingstate, billingcountry, billingpostalcode, total) <> (InvoiceRow.tupled, InvoiceRow.unapply)
237 /** Maps whole row to an option. Useful for outer joins. */
238 def ? = (invoiceid.?, customerid.?, invoicedate.?, billingaddress, billingcity, billingstate, billingcountry, billingpostalcode, total.?).shaped.<>({r=>import r._; _1.map(_=> InvoiceRow.tupled((_1.get, _2.get, _3.get, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8,_9.get)))}, (_:Any) => throw new Exception("Inserting into ? projection not supported."))
240 /** Database column InvoiceId PrimaryKey */
241 val invoiceid: Column[Int] = column[Int]("InvoiceId", O.PrimaryKey)
242 /** Database column CustomerId */
243 val customerid: Column[Int] = column[Int]("CustomerId")
244 /** Database column InvoiceDate */
245 val invoicedate: Column1 = column1("InvoiceDate")
246 /** Database column BillingAddress */
247 val billingaddress: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("BillingAddress")
248 /** Database column BillingCity */
249 val billingcity: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("BillingCity")
250 /** Database column BillingState */
251 val billingstate: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("BillingState")
252 /** Database column BillingCountry */
253 val billingcountry: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("BillingCountry")
254 /** Database column BillingPostalCode */
255 val billingpostalcode: Column[Option[String]] =column[Option[String]]("BillingPostalCode")
256 /** Database column Total */
257 val total: Column1 = column1("Total")
259 /** Foreign key referencing Customer (database name FK_InvoiceCustomerId) */
260 lazy val customerFk = foreignKey("FK_InvoiceCustomerId", customerid, Customer)(r => r.customerid, onUpdate=ForeignKeyAction.NoAction, onDelete=ForeignKeyAction.NoAction)
261 }
262 /** Collection-like TableQuery object for table Invoice */
263 lazy val Invoice = new TableQuery(tag => new Invoice(tag))
265 /** Entity class storing rows of table Invoiceline
266 * @param invoicelineid Database column InvoiceLineId PrimaryKey
267 * @param invoiceid Database column InvoiceId
268 * @param trackid Database column TrackId
269 * @param unitprice Database column UnitPrice
270 * @param quantity Database column Quantity */
271 case class InvoicelineRow(invoicelineid: Int, invoiceid: Int, trackid: Int, unitprice: scala.math.BigDecimal, quantity: Int)
272 /** GetResult implicit for fetching InvoicelineRow objects using plain SQL queries */
273 implicit def GetResultInvoicelineRow(implicit e0: GR[Int], e1: GR1):GR[InvoicelineRow] = GR{
274 prs => import prs._
275 InvoicelineRow.tupled((<<[Int], <<[Int], <<[Int], <<1, <<[Int]))
276 }
277 /** Table description of table InvoiceLine. Objects of this class serve as prototypes for rows in queries. */
278 class Invoiceline(tag: Tag) extends Table[InvoicelineRow](tag,"InvoiceLine") {
279 def * = (invoicelineid, invoiceid, trackid, unitprice, quantity) <> (InvoicelineRow.tupled, InvoicelineRow.unapply)
280 /** Maps whole row to an option. Useful for outer joins. */
281 def ? = (invoicelineid.?, invoiceid.?, trackid.?, unitprice.?, quantity.?).shaped.<>({r=>import r._; _1.map(_=> InvoicelineRow.tupled((_1.get, _2.get, _3.get, _4.get, _5.get)))}, (_:Any) => throw new Exception("Inserting into ? projection not supported."))
283 /** Database column InvoiceLineId PrimaryKey */
284 val invoicelineid: Column[Int] = column[Int]("InvoiceLineId", O.PrimaryKey)
285 /** Database column InvoiceId */
286 val invoiceid: Column[Int] = column[Int]("InvoiceId")
287 /** Database column TrackId */
288 val trackid: Column[Int] = column[Int]("TrackId")
289 /** Database column UnitPrice */
290 val unitprice: Column1 = column1("UnitPrice")
291 /** Database column Quantity */
292 val quantity: Column[Int] = column[Int]("Quantity")
294 /** Foreign key referencing Invoice (database name FK_InvoiceLineInvoiceId) */
295 lazy val invoiceFk = foreignKey("FK_InvoiceLineInvoiceId", invoiceid, Invoice)(r => r.invoiceid, onUpdate=ForeignKeyAction.NoAction, onDelete=ForeignKeyAction.NoAction)
296 /** Foreign key referencing Track (database name FK_InvoiceLineTrackId) */
297 lazy val trackFk = foreignKey("FK_InvoiceLineTrackId", trackid, Track)(r => r.trackid, onUpdate=ForeignKeyAction.NoAction, onDelete=ForeignKeyAction.NoAction)
298 }
299 /** Collection-like TableQuery object for table Invoiceline */
300 lazy val Invoiceline = new TableQuery(tag => new Invoiceline(tag))
302 /** Entity class storing rows of table Mediatype
303 * @param mediatypeid Database column MediaTypeId PrimaryKey
304 * @param name Database column Name */
305 case class MediatypeRow(mediatypeid: Int, name: Option[String])
306 /** GetResult implicit for fetching MediatypeRow objects using plain SQL queries */
307 implicit def GetResultMediatypeRow(implicit e0: GR[Int], e1:GR[Option[String]]): GR[MediatypeRow] = GR{
308 prs => import prs._
309 MediatypeRow.tupled((<<[Int], <<?[String]))
310 }
311 /** Table description of table MediaType. Objects of this class serve as prototypes for rows in queries. */
312 class Mediatype(tag: Tag) extends Table[MediatypeRow](tag,"MediaType") {
313 def * = (mediatypeid, name) <> (MediatypeRow.tupled, MediatypeRow.unapply)
314 /** Maps whole row to an option. Useful for outer joins. */
315 def ? = (mediatypeid.?, name).shaped.<>({r=>import r._; _1.map(_=> MediatypeRow.tupled((_1.get, _2)))}, (_:Any) => throw newException("Inserting into ? projection not supported."))
317 /** Database column MediaTypeId PrimaryKey */
318 val mediatypeid: Column[Int] = column[Int]("MediaTypeId", O.PrimaryKey)
319 /** Database column Name */
320 val name: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("Name")
321 }
322 /** Collection-like TableQuery object for table Mediatype */
323 lazy val Mediatype = new TableQuery(tag => new Mediatype(tag))
325 /** Entity class storing rows of table Playlist
326 * @param playlistid Database column PlaylistId PrimaryKey
327 * @param name Database column Name */
328 case class PlaylistRow(playlistid: Int, name: Option[String])
329 /** GetResult implicit for fetching PlaylistRow objects using plain SQL queries */
330 implicit def GetResultPlaylistRow(implicit e0: GR[Int], e1:GR[Option[String]]): GR[PlaylistRow] = GR{
331 prs => import prs._
332 PlaylistRow.tupled((<<[Int], <<?[String]))
333 }
334 /** Table description of table Playlist. Objects of this class serve as prototypes for rows in queries. */
335 class Playlist(tag: Tag) extends Table[PlaylistRow](tag, "Playlist") {
336 def * = (playlistid, name) <> (PlaylistRow.tupled, PlaylistRow.unapply)
337 /** Maps whole row to an option. Useful for outer joins. */
338 def ? = (playlistid.?, name).shaped.<>({r=>import r._; _1.map(_=> PlaylistRow.tupled((_1.get, _2)))}, (_:Any) => throw newException("Inserting into ? projection not supported."))
340 /** Database column PlaylistId PrimaryKey */
341 val playlistid: Column[Int] = column[Int]("PlaylistId", O.PrimaryKey)
342 /** Database column Name */
343 val name: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("Name")
344 }
345 /** Collection-like TableQuery object for table Playlist */
346 lazy val Playlist = new TableQuery(tag => new Playlist(tag))
348 /** Entity class storing rows of table Playlisttrack
349 * @param playlistid Database column PlaylistId
350 * @param trackid Database column TrackId */
351 case class PlaylisttrackRow(playlistid: Int, trackid: Int)
352 /** GetResult implicit for fetching PlaylisttrackRow objects using plain SQL queries */
353 implicit def GetResultPlaylisttrackRow(implicit e0: GR[Int]):GR[PlaylisttrackRow] = GR{
354 prs => import prs._
355 PlaylisttrackRow.tupled((<<[Int], <<[Int]))
356 }
357 /** Table description of table PlaylistTrack. Objects of this class serve as prototypes for rows in queries. */
358 class Playlisttrack(tag: Tag) extends Table[PlaylisttrackRow](tag,"PlaylistTrack") {
359 def * = (playlistid, trackid) <> (PlaylisttrackRow.tupled, PlaylisttrackRow.unapply)
360 /** Maps whole row to an option. Useful for outer joins. */
361 def ? = (playlistid.?, trackid.?).shaped.<>({r=>import r._;_1.map(_=> PlaylisttrackRow.tupled((_1.get, _2.get)))}, (_:Any) => throw new Exception("Inserting into ? projection not supported."))
363 /** Database column PlaylistId */
364 val playlistid: Column[Int] = column[Int]("PlaylistId")
365 /** Database column TrackId */
366 val trackid: Column[Int] = column[Int]("TrackId")
368 /** Primary key of Playlisttrack (database name PlaylistTrack_PK) */
369 val pk = primaryKey("PlaylistTrack_PK", (playlistid, trackid))
371 /** Foreign key referencing Playlist (database name FK_PlaylistTrackPlaylistId) */
372 lazy val playlistFk = foreignKey("FK_PlaylistTrackPlaylistId", playlistid, Playlist)(r => r.playlistid, onUpdate=ForeignKeyAction.NoAction, onDelete=ForeignKeyAction.NoAction)
373 /** Foreign key referencing Track (database name FK_PlaylistTrackTrackId) */
374 lazy val trackFk = foreignKey("FK_PlaylistTrackTrackId", trackid, Track)(r => r.trackid, onUpdate=ForeignKeyAction.NoAction, onDelete=ForeignKeyAction.NoAction)
375 }
376 /** Collection-like TableQuery object for table Playlisttrack */
377 lazy val Playlisttrack = new TableQuery(tag => newPlaylisttrack(tag))
379 /** Entity class storing rows of table Track
380 * @param trackid Database column TrackId PrimaryKey
381 * @param name Database column Name
382 * @param albumid Database column AlbumId
383 * @param mediatypeid Database column MediaTypeId
384 * @param genreid Database column GenreId
385 * @param composer Database column Composer
386 * @param milliseconds Database column Milliseconds
387 * @param bytes Database column Bytes
388 * @param unitprice Database column UnitPrice */
389 case class TrackRow(trackid: Int, name: String, albumid: Option[Int], mediatypeid: Int, genreid: Option[Int], composer: Option[String], milliseconds: Int, bytes: Option[Int], unitprice:scala.math.BigDecimal)
390 /** GetResult implicit for fetching TrackRow objects using plain SQL queries */
391 implicit def GetResultTrackRow(implicit e0: GR[Int], e1: GR[String], e2: GR[Option[Int]], e3: GR[Option[String]], e4: GR1): GR[TrackRow] =GR{
392 prs => import prs._
393 TrackRow.tupled((<<[Int], <<[String], <<?[Int], <<[Int], <<?[Int], <<?[String], <<[Int], <<?[Int], <<1))
394 }
395 /** Table description of table Track. Objects of this class serve as prototypes for rows in queries. */
396 class Track(tag: Tag) extends Table[TrackRow](tag, "Track") {
397 def * = (trackid, name, albumid, mediatypeid, genreid, composer, milliseconds, bytes, unitprice) <> (TrackRow.tupled, TrackRow.unapply)
398 /** Maps whole row to an option. Useful for outer joins. */
399 def ? = (trackid.?, name.?, albumid, mediatypeid.?, genreid, composer, milliseconds.?, bytes, unitprice.?).shaped.<>({r=>import r._;_1.map(_=> TrackRow.tupled((_1.get, _2.get, _3, _4.get, _5, _6, _7.get,_8, _9.get)))}, (_:Any) => throw new Exception("Inserting into ? projection not supported."))
401 /** Database column TrackId PrimaryKey */
402 val trackid: Column[Int] = column[Int]("TrackId", O.PrimaryKey)
403 /** Database column Name */
404 val name: Column[String] = column[String]("Name")
405 /** Database column AlbumId */
406 val albumid: Column[Option[Int]] = column[Option[Int]]("AlbumId")
407 /** Database column MediaTypeId */
408 val mediatypeid: Column[Int] = column[Int]("MediaTypeId")
409 /** Database column GenreId */
410 val genreid: Column[Option[Int]] = column[Option[Int]]("GenreId")
411 /** Database column Composer */
412 val composer: Column[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("Composer")
413 /** Database column Milliseconds */
414 val milliseconds: Column[Int] = column[Int]("Milliseconds")
415 /** Database column Bytes */
416 val bytes: Column[Option[Int]] = column[Option[Int]]("Bytes")
417 /** Database column UnitPrice */
418 val unitprice: Column1 = column1("UnitPrice")
420 /** Foreign key referencing Album (database name FK_TrackAlbumId) */
421 lazy val albumFk = foreignKey("FK_TrackAlbumId", albumid, Album)(r=> r.albumid, onUpdate=ForeignKeyAction.NoAction, onDelete=ForeignKeyAction.NoAction)
422 /** Foreign key referencing Genre (database name FK_TrackGenreId) */
423 lazy val genreFk = foreignKey("FK_TrackGenreId", genreid, Genre)(r=> r.genreid, onUpdate=ForeignKeyAction.NoAction, onDelete=ForeignKeyAction.NoAction)
424 /** Foreign key referencing Mediatype (database name FK_TrackMediaTypeId) */
425 lazy val mediatypeFk = foreignKey("FK_TrackMediaTypeId", mediatypeid, Mediatype)(r => r.mediatypeid, onUpdate=ForeignKeyAction.NoAction, onDelete=ForeignKeyAction.NoAction)
426 }
427 /** Collection-like TableQuery object for table Track */
428 lazy val Track = new TableQuery(tag => new Track(tag))
429 }